Title credit to one of Canada's treasures, Mr. Corey Hart.
While on my drive home from work tonight, I was waiting to turn right on a red light.
A woman exited a nearby money loan place - wearing sunglasses. Uh, it's 8:00 p.m. and it's dark outside. Why the hell are you wearing shades?
I had my window open a crack, since it is a balmy 0 degrees Celsius, and I think I said something along the lines of "Why are you wearing shades, you f'ing moron?"
I guess she heard me judging by the glance she directed my way, then picked up her pace to cross the street.
Pet peeve #5 - people who wear sunglasses at night, or in the bar. This includes you, Mr. Hart....
What do you mean? It is the look that counts, never mind practicalities! I would have thought that a cool dude like you would have known that!
What pisses me off even more is when people wear their sunglasses indoors... like bars and such.
I hate to trump your story but I got ya beat I think.
We worked a table at a job fair last week. 1000's of people showed up to hand their resumes to potential employers and speak with them about job opportunities.
One guy was young, clean cut, wearing nice slacks, a shirt and tie.....and SUNGLASSES!!! It is bad enough to wear sunglasses indoors but really horrible when you are looking for a job!!!!
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